Monday, July 17, 2023

Central Library Workshop (or view online via Zoom)

7:00 P.M.





President Seyring called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.






Theresa Seyring, President; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer; John Caporale; Anita Forte and Amy Mueller. Trustee Jillian Bernas attended the meeting remotely due to a work commitment.




Trustee Pye 




Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the approval for remote participation of Trustee Bernas.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed.




The Student Advisory Trustees are on summer vacation.




Julie Doren, Dave Hardt, Britt Isaly, Annie Miskewitch, Paul Piraino, Tom Pritchett, Jason Santos, Molly Scheibler, Bobbi Sloan, Beth Valenziano, Lorenzo Vendramin




Public comments were heard.




Trustee Gilbert attended the ALA Conference and went to some excellent Trustee sessions on DEI and book banning. She is appreciative for the opportunity. She and her family went to the Library’s Rainbow Celebration and loved the scavenger hunt highlighting achievements of LGBTQIA people, past and present. She recently attended a crafting program and created gorgeous greeting cards. Class participants shared their excitement about the Library’s future Innovation space.


Trustee Mueller loves Rocky the Snake at the Library entrance. She stated the parking lot looks great and is looking forward to the One Book, One Community survey results.


Trustee Caporale likes the look of the parking lot with the directional changes. He expressed personal gratitude for the comfort that was extended to him at a sad family time.  


Trustee Forte attended the ALA Conference’s virtual and recorded sessions. She especially liked the interview with Graham Norton about his book Forever Home, as the topic is timely in her personal life. Trustee Forte is looking forward to upcoming events both in the community and the Library.


Trustee Bernas thanked Trustees for approving her remote attendance. She attended the ALA Conference in person and found it very valuable. She stated it was a privilege to represent the Library. She particularly found the conversation about library Foundations very informative and was impressed with the speakers’ fundraising capabilities. Trustee Bernas is looking forward to meeting with Executive Director Miskewitch, and others, to share key resources she identified from the conference.








Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:


The June 19, 2023 Library Board Meeting Minutes be approved.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Caporale seconded that:


The Library Board approve the July 2023 Bill List.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Discussion included the listing of two different plumbing companies and if they were both contracted for the renovation: Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, LLC and Warren F. Thomas Plumbing Company. Executive Director Miskewitch will provide clarification before the next Board meeting.




Trustee Gilbert reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. On the balance sheet, the General Fund decreased by approximately $9.1 million due to expenses exceeding revenues. She also highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are above or below budget at this time, and gave an update on the status of various Library investments.


Discussion included Trustee Bernas requesting more detail on the Fines and Fees line item. Trustee Forte questioned if it is due to an increase in lost or damaged materials, and replacement fees. Director of Finance Valenziano will review the point-of-sale system and provide clarification before the next Board meeting.




Britt Isaly of Ancel Glink, P.C. informed the Trustees that the firm is ready and available to assist with any of the Library’s legal needs. He reviewed the recently signed House Bill 2789, going into effect January 1, 2024. House Bill 2789 provides that, in order to be eligible for State grants, a public library or library system shall develop a written policy prohibiting the practice of banning books within the public library or library system.  Trustee Bernas requested clarification on the impact of the Library not adopting the statement, its impact on funding or grants and the ability of the Board to make decisions on future material reconsiderations. Britt confirmed that, as a locally elected governing body, the Board still has the discretion to determine material reconsiderations, if and when they come to the Board’s attention, without forfeiting state funding or grants. 

Britt Isaly reviewed Robert’s Rules of Order as it relates to Committee work.




There will not be an Executive Session.








Trustee Seyring participated in the Hoffman Estates Fourth of July parade where patrons were very supportive and the Library van was decorated beautifully. She attended storyteller and author Lynn Rymarz’ historic reenactment of women who have changed culture and history. Trustee Seyring congratulated Director of Reference Services Magan Szwarek for procuring a $6,000 grant. Trustee Seyring attended the ALA Conference and enjoyed the virtual and recorded sessions, particularly the Grammy winning song from the children’s book Build a House by Rhiannon Giddens. She enjoyed Learners of the Year 2030 where they talked about developing literacy and digital skills for future jobs.




Executive Director Miskewitch highlighted items in her report, including the year-end statistics report for 2022/2023. The Library circulated 2.1 million items and 20,468 items were checked out from the self-checkout machines; the highest number ever for self-use machines. The Library experienced its first First Amendment Audit with no issues. Included in the packet is information about First Amendment Audits. She noted there is in development a new website for Trustees to find relevant and pertinent information, with feedback encouraged. The second-floor renovation is going very well, with the local history and study rooms outfitted. She noted that Director of Reference Services Magan Szwarek procured a PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Incentives grant in the amount of $6,000 that will go towards digital training.


Discussion included Trustee Bernas’ appreciation for the spreadsheet shared to sign-up for future events. She also inquired about the Find More Illinois agreement. Trustee Bernas asked if the fee is based on annual collection expenditures, and if the number listed is correct. Executive Director Miskewitch will provide clarification before the next Board meeting.




Deputy Director Molly Scheibler met with the Hoffman Estates and Hanover Park Managers to discuss more programming at these locations and will meet again in September. She expressed appreciation to Executive Director Miskewitch for approval to attend the ALA Conference and represent Schaumburg Township District Library.




Marketing and Communications – Hollis Sienkiewicz


Marketing and Communications Director Hollis Sienkiewicz presented a brief overview of the department, then shared a highlight reel of a day in the life of the Marketing & Communications Team.


She answered questions about Jostle, the Library’s internal communications tool, and iThink; a way for employees to submit ideas and suggestions to the Leadership Team. Trustee Forte congratulated Hollis and her team for winning last year’s award for the Summer Challenge video.




SAT Committee

Committee Chair and Trustee Emily Gilbert completed two interviews with applicants for the SAT role. The SAT Committee recommends Muhammad Arshad for another SAT term. The recommendation will be brought to the August Board meeting for approval.


Discussion included additional clarification on the Open Meetings Act and Committee Work.








Discussion of Board Meeting start time with possible action


The Board reviewed and discussed moving the Board Meeting start time from 7:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded to change the Board Meeting start time to 6:00 P.M. starting September 2023.


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            No

Trustee Caporale         No

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed.


Discussion included the pros and cons of changing to an earlier start time.


Review of Public Comment Policy (New)


The Board reviewed and discussed the new Public Comment Policy.


Discussion included if the three-minute and 30-minute time limits are standard.


Review of Display Policy (New)


The Board reviewed and discussed the new Display Policy.


Discussion included the display of age-appropriate materials and the request by the Board for the policy. Executive Director Miskewitch will follow up with the Library’s lawyer regarding questions brought up during review.


Approval of Payments to Murphy Miller/Midwest Mechanical in the amounts of $86,493.00 and $84,582.00 for budgeted capital improvements


Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to Murphy Miller/Midwest Mechanical in the amounts of $86,493.00 and $84,582.00 for budgeted capital improvements.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Deposit Payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $29,789.00


Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Interiors for Business, Inc. in the amount of $29,789.00.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Payment to Hallett Movers in the amount of $46,800.00


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Hallett Movers in the amount of $46,800.00.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Payment to Johler Demolition, Inc. for $66,645.00


Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to Johler Demolition, Inc. for $66,645.00.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Payment to L.J. Morse Construction Co. in the amount of $150,438.91


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to L.J. Morse Construction Co. in the amount of $150,438.91.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Payment to Airport Electric Co. for $64,743.34


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to Airport Electric Co. for $64,743.34.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.


Approval of Payment to BIP66/22 Tones in the amount of $41,302.26


Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to BIP66/22 Tones in the amount of $41,302.26.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Approval of Payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $54,627.20


Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $54,627.20.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Review and Approval of Update to Employee Handbook regarding Annual Service Awards


The Board reviewed and discussed updates to Employee Handbook to increase the Annual Service Awards monetary distribution.


Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded to approve update to the Employee Handbook regarding Annual Service Awards.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.  


Review and Approval of Tentative FY2023-2024 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2023-2024-1: Authorizing the Executive Director to make the Tentative Budget & Appropriations Ordinance available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 28, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.


The Board of Library Trustees reviewed and discussed the Tentative FY2023-2024 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2023-2024-1: Authorizing the Executive Director to make the Tentative Budget & Appropriations Ordinance available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 28, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.


Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve the Tentative FY2023-2024 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2023-2024-1 and make it available to the public and to schedule a Public Hearing on the Budget for August 28, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.








Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Caporale seconded the meeting adjourn at 9:27 P.M.


Roll Call Vote:


Trustee Gilbert            Yes

Trustee Bernas            Yes

Trustee Caporale         Yes

Trustee Forte               Yes

Trustee Mueller           Yes

Trustee Seyring           Yes


The motion passed unanimously.





                                         ­­­­­          ­        ­

Carole Pye














Theresa Seyring
