Monday, August 28, 2023
Central Library Workshop (or view online via Zoom)
7:00 P.M.
President Seyring called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Theresa Seyring, President; Carole Pye, Vice President/Secretary; Emily Gilbert, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas, John Caporale and Amy Mueller. Trustee Anita Forte attended the meeting remotely due to a work commitment.
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Bernas seconded the approval for remote participation of Trustee Forte.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed.
Muhammad Arshad and Jamie Caracas
Julie Doren, Dave Hardt, Kris Milhousen, Annie Miskewitch, Tom Pritchett, Jason Santos, Molly Scheibler, Bobbi Sloan, Beth Valenziano
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board enter into the Public Hearing for the proposed Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
There were no public comments.
Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that the Board exit the Public Hearing for the proposed Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Public comments were heard.
Trustee Pye commented on the beautiful Ukrainian piano concert and thanked Community Engagement Librarian Claudia Baranowski for facilitating the program. Trustee Pye virtually attended the United for Libraries Annual Conference where she learned more about Foundations. She reminded fellow board members of the five T’s of Trustees: giving of our treasure, time, talents, testimony and ties.
Trustee Gilbert spoke of the Violins of Hope exhibit and how it provided a great message of solidarity with the Jewish community during a rise in anti-Semitism. She also enjoyed the Before I Die exhibit for facilitating people to have conversations about death in a positive way.
Trustee Bernas thanked Library Administration and Director of Community Engagement and Partnerships Kate Niehoff for organizing outreach activities that provide opportunities to connect with staff, patrons and everything going on at the Library. She spent time with two staff members at the Library’s outreach booth at a Schaumburg Boomers game. Trustee Bernas also enjoyed participating in Coffee with the Trustees along with Deputy Director Molly Scheibler. She generally receives positive feedback and constructive criticism from patrons at these events, appreciating the opportunity to work to help patrons. Trustee Bernas values the outreach work the Library does with local daycares. Her daughter loved when librarians read to them at her daycare and feels this is a good value-add to the community by sharing resources the Library has available for working families.
Trustee Caporale observed in the Public Suggestions that patrons seem pleased with Library staff and are appreciative of everything the Library provides.
Trustee Mueller stated the community provided positive feedback to all of the summer programming, including the Summer Challenge, Before I Die and the Town Square Concerts. She believes the programs kept people involved and active during the summer, and recognized the work involved in planning these programs. Trustee Mueller is looking forward to the One Book, One Community selection Happiness Falls by Angie Kim.
Trustee Forte thanked everyone for allowing her to attend remotely.
Trustee Mueller recommended the webinar available online called A Librarian’s Guide to Homelessness by Ryan Dowd. She reported on the Regional Response Team, a coalition of Illinois library organizations like RAILS, including local schools, to preserve intellectual freedom and unite against book bans in Illinois.
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Pye seconded that:
The July 17, 2023 Art Committee Meeting Minutes and the July 17, 2023 Library Board Meeting Minutes be approved.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion included Trustee Mueller’s request for clarification of the copyright issue noted in the Art Committee Meeting Minutes and corrections submitted by Trustee Bernas for the Library Board Meeting Minutes.
Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Pye seconded that:
The Library Board approve the July 2023 Bill List.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion included Trustee Bernas reviewing the function and value of PTAB and asked if her fellow Trustees had questions.
Trustee Gilbert reviewed the financial reports, making note of balances in the various funds. On the balance sheet, the General Fund decreased by approximately $973K due to expenses exceeding revenues. She also highlighted a few line items and discussed why they are above or below budget at this time, and gave an update on the status of various Library investments.
There will not be an Executive Session.
SATs Muhammad Arshad and Jamie Caracas reported they have reconstructed their monthly reports to share more timely information with students. They shared out events available in both August and September, including the Time Capsule Opening on September 23. This year they will share online programs and literature events, like One Book, One Community. They noted that many high school seniors are looking for volunteer hours and hope to work with the Library on a program for 2024. They are very happy about the Library card discount program It’s Kind of a Big Deal to encourage library card signups. Trustee Mueller commented that she enjoyed the SAT slideshow.
Trustee Seyring reminded Board members to sign-up for Library pop-up events, as this aligns with the Trustee goal and strategic plan. She provided a presentation on Robert McCloskey’s Make Way for Ducklings sculpture, the Hyannis Public Library and the South Yarmouth Library from her recent trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Trustee Seyring noted the devastating losses experienced by the Lahaina library in Hawaii. They are not accepting materials at this time, but the American Library Association (ALA) is accepting donations and can direct funds through the ALA Disaster Relief Fund by noting “Hawaii” in the tribute text box.
Executive Director Miskewitch highlighted items in her report, including her attendance at the Intergovernmental Annual meeting, along with the Village of Schaumburg, Schaumburg Park District and School Districts 54 and 211. She reported that Hopscotch activity is unlikely to happen this year. She answered questions about FOIA requests, IPLAR, the responsibilities of a Circulation Coordinator, status of the renovation, tax bill notices, consideration of a message board, the Time Capsule Opening and feedback on the Bortal.
Deputy Director Molly Scheibler highlighted the newly created internal Middle Managers group that will meet quarterly. She commended the Library Safety Committee and Schaumburg Fire Department for excellent staff training in CPR. Trustee Bernas suggested Mental Health First Aid training. Deputy Director Scheibler will discuss this with the Safety Committee.
Youth & Teen Services – Amber Creger
Youth & Teen Services Director Amber Creger presented an overview of the department’s services and programs that support the Library’s diverse community. She highlighted bilingual story times, a new addition to the collection called Let’s Talk About It and the new Rhyme of the Month Club.
Approval of the recommended action from the Student Advisory Trustee (SAT) Committee regarding the selection/election of a new student/SAT.
The Board reviewed and discussed the SAT Committee’s recommendation for approval of Muhammad Arshad as the new SAT for the term of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Pye seconded to approve Muhammad Arshad as the new SAT for the term of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of renewal on one-year contract and payment for the Integrated Library System (ILS) from SirsiDynix in the amount of $92,256.87
Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded the renewal of one-year contract and payment for the Integrated Library System (ILS) from SirsiDynix in the amount of $92,256.87.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment to L.J. Morse Construction Company in the amount of $76,197.33
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to L.J. Morse Construction Company in the amount of $76,197.33.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment to Diverzify Pro, LLC in the amount of $90,000
Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Caporale seconded that the Board approve payment to Diverzify Pro, LLC in the amount of $90,000.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment to Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $59,794.20
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc. in the amount of $59,794.20.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment to Airport Electric Company in the amount of $114,333.13
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve payment to Airport Electric Company in the amount of $114,333.13.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $54,627.20
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Mueller seconded that the Board approve payment to Featherstone, Inc. in the amount of $54,627.20.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Final FY2023-2024 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2023-2024-2
Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Pye seconded that the Board approve the Final FY2023-2024 Budget & Appropriations Ordinance 2023-2024-2.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of the 2023 Tentative Property Tax Levy (Memorandum)
Trustee Bernas moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve the 2023 Tentative Property Tax Levy.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion included delayed property tax notices.
Approval of 2022-2023 Illinois Public Library Report (IPLAR)
Trustee Gilbert moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that the Board approve the 2022-2023 IPLAR.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion included IPLAR statistics impact on Library Journal’s starred Library calculations.
Approval of Public Comment Policy (new)
Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Gilbert seconded that the Board approve Public Comment Policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Library Materials Display Policy (new)
Trustee Mueller moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that the Board approve the Library Materials Display Policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert No
Trustee Bernas No
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed.
Discussion included the use of “age appropriate” versus “cultural relevance” for display guidelines, and the necessity of a display policy.
Approval of Participation in Meetings and Conferencing via Electronic Means Policy (Remote Participation update)
Trustee Forte moved and Trustee Mueller seconded to approve the update to the Participation in Meetings and Conferencing via Electronic Means Policy.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Trustee Caporale moved and Trustee Mueller seconded the meeting adjourn at 9:03 P.M.
Roll Call Vote:
Trustee Gilbert Yes
Trustee Bernas Yes
Trustee Caporale Yes
Trustee Forte Yes
Trustee Mueller Yes
Trustee Pye Yes
Trustee Seyring Yes
The motion passed unanimously.
Carole Pye
Theresa Seyring