PUBLIC HEARING – Proposed Annual Budget & Appropriation Ordinance
Monday, August 22, 2016
Central Library Conference Room
7:00 P.M.


Monday, August 22, 2016
Central Library Conference Room
7:10 P.M.



Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, President; Anita Forte-Scott, Vice-President/Secretary; Gerald Bromley, Treasurer; Jillian Bernas; Robert Frankel; Ruth Jonen; Theresa Seyring

Carrie Cichon, Monica Harris, Kathy Morgan, Reiner Musni, Brandon Orna, Anna Pederson, Stephanie Sarnoff, Kathryn Schuessler, Hollis Sienkiewicz, Bobbi Sloan, Jesus Solorio, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Beth Valenziano

Bobbi Sloan commented that she had attended an STDL Bus Trip and had a wonderful time.

Trustee Bernas commented that she has encountered the Pop-Up Library at multiple community events and commented on the engaging activities that are offered.
Trustees Seyring and Jonen thanked the staff involved in organizing the Biennial Staff Picnic, which ended early due to severe weather. Trustees Seyring, Jonen, and Treasurer Bromley attended the unveiling of the mural painted by community school children (sponsored by the Hoffman Estates Sister Cities Commission) at the Hoffman Estates Branch.
Trustee Jonen commented that she shopped at the Schaumburg Farmer’s Market and was pleased to see the Pop-Up Library there. She spoke with Mayor McLeod at the Hoffman Estates Branch mural unveiling, and reported that he had great things to say about the Library.
Vice-President Forte-Scott commented that she participated in two community golf outings: Links Technology Cup benefiting the Schaumburg Park Foundation and Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) First Annual Golf Outing benefiting the CAC in Hoffman Estates.

RAILS – Ms. Forte-Scott

Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that:

The July 18, 2016 Regular Board Minutes be approved, with typographical corrections.

The motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Frankel abstained due to absence from the July Board Meeting.

Treasurer Bromley moved that:

The Library Board approve the July 2016 Bill List.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

There will not be a report about the Café under Committee Reports this month. Treasurer Bromley or Vice-President Forte-Scott will present the Café Report at a subsequent Board Meeting.
A vote on Award of Bid for Audio Visual Shelving will be moved to New Business.
A vote to select Wintrust as the Library’s primary bank will take place under the Finance Committee Report, as will a discussion on the Capital Projects threshold.

Committee Assignments
President Wroblewski Bosshart handed out the 2016-2017 Standing Committee assignments and asked all to review.

Executive Director Retirement
President Wroblewski Bosshart announced Executive Director Sarnoff’s intention to retire effective December 31, 2016. She named an Ad Hoc Executive Director Search Committee consisting of herself, Trustee Jonen, and Director of Human Resources Kathryn Schuessler. President Wroblewski Bosshart noted that Committee will recommend 3-5 candidates for interviews. The job posting will appear tomorrow on the STDL, Reaching Across Illinois Libraries (RAILS), and Illinois Library Association (ILA) websites, and will remain open through September 7. The names of interviewees will be presented at the September Regular Board Meeting and interviews will be scheduled for the week of September 20-24. Interviews will last approximately 1.5 – 2 hours; each individual will be asked the same questions. Trustee Jonen encouraged Trustees to attend all interviews, if possible, in order to cast informed votes.
Vice-President Forte-Scott asked if a matrix will be provided to aid in evaluating and comparing interviewee responses. Mrs. Schuessler responded that she will provide the questions and a matrix in advance of the interviews.

Executive Director Sarnoff reported that the Exterior Masonry Sealant Project was completed on time, and the Roof Repair Project began on August 15. The bid opening for all contractors involved in the Audio Visual Renovation Project was conducted on August 12. The bid opening for IT hardware and software will be held next week. A Request for Quote will be published next week for Web Design Development Services to revamp the Library’s webpage.

Deputy Director Monica Harris noted that in response to the popular Pokémon Go craze, the Library was able to capitalize on gamer attendance in Town Square by hosting three programs attracting over 700 people. She announced that High School District 214 will offer twice weekly intermediate level English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at the Central Library this fall. The Audio Visual Renovation Project Task Force meets weekly to update and share information on construction and organizational processes. Deputy Director Harris replied to two Commercial Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Circulation – Kathy Morgan
Director of Circulation Kathy Morgan provided an overview of the Library’s largest department. The Circulation Department has reduced staffing by consolidating four supervisory positions into two following the retirement of personnel. The Reserves Team was transferred from the Access Services Department to the Circulation Department effective July 1. Mrs. Morgan reported that two Circulation staff members oversee the Community Service Work Program by interviewing, scheduling, and monitoring those doing non-public community service at the Central Library.

Finance – Mr. Bromley
Treasurer Bromley moved that:

The Library Board appoint Wintrust as the Library’s primary bank.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer Bromley discussed increasing the Capital Projects threshold from five thousand to ten thousand dollars and transferring Capital Projects from the General Fund to the Building and Equipment account to better track projects. A vote to amend Board policy will take place at the September Regular Board Meeting.

Student Advisor Trustee – Ms. Forte-Scott
High School Liaison Librarian Anna Pederson, Vice-President Forte-Scott, and Trustee Seyring interviewed candidates to fill two Student Advisor Trustee (SAT) positions for the 2016/2017 school year. The students selected are Dhvanii Raval from Conant High School and Ashwin Prabhu from Hoffman Estates High School.

Plan of Service – Mr. Frankel
Ms. Harris reported on completed and current activities of the Plan of Service, and upcoming projects.

Treasurer Bromley reported that after one month into fiscal year property taxes have begun to be received. Year-to-date revenue exceeds expenditures. Since a number of expenses and projects are cyclical in nature, revenue and expenditures will equalize over the course of the fiscal year.
Treasurer Bromley noted that we are moving away from callable bonds in the Investment Portfolio.


A/V Renovation Project Construction Manager Brandon Orna provided an analysis of the bids submitted for the project. Responses were received from 50 bidders for 13 contracts. All recommended contract awards are for the lowest responsible bidders. After due diligence, Mr. Orna determined that several low bidders failed to meet specified qualifications and requirements.

Award of Bid for Demolition to National Wrecking Company in the Amount of $33,054
Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Frankel seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Demolition to National Wrecking Company in the amount of $33,054.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Millwork to Hargrave Builders, Inc. in the Amount of $79,495
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Millwork to Hargrave Builders, Inc. in the amount of $79,495.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Folding Partitions to Modernfold Chicago, Inc. in the Amount of $34,625
Trustee Seyring moved and Vice-President Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Folding Partitions to Modernfold Chicago, Inc. in the amount of $34,625.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Drywall and Acoustical Ceiling Tiling (ACT) to Wendell Builders in the Amount of $166,431
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Drywall and Acoustical Ceiling Tiling to Wendell Builders in the amount of $166,431.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Flooring to Noland Sales Corp. in the Amount of $107,600
Trustee Frankel moved and Treasurer Bromley seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Flooring to Noland Sales Corp. in the amount of $107,600.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Painting to Triangle Decorating in the Amount of $33,465
Trustee Jonen moved and Vice-President Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Painting to Triangle Decorating in the amount of $33,465.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for HVAC to National Heat & Power Corp. in the Amount of $32,980
Trustee Seyring moved and Trustee Bernas seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for HVAC to National Heat & Power Corp. in the amount of $32,980.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Electric to Anchor Electric Corp. in the Amount of $119,773
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Seyring seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Electric to Anchor Electric Corp. in the amount of $119,773.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Award of Bid for Shelving Units to Sole Provider Library Furniture International (LFI) in the Amount of $170,613
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Frankel seconded that:

The Library Board approve Award of Bid for Shelving Units to Sole Provider LFI in the amount of $170,613.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Final FY2016-2017 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance
Treasurer Bromley moved that:

The Library Board approve the final FY2016-2017 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance, with one typographical correction under Wages and Benefits: Programming and Outreach Wages.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the 2016 Tentative Property Tax Levy
Treasurer Bromley moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the 2016 Tentative Property Tax Levy.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution to Dispose of Audio Visual Room Realia
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the Resolution to dispose of Audio Visual Room realia.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution to Participate in the National Joint Powers Alliance (Cooperative Purchasing)
Trustee Jonen moved and Vice-President Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board approve the Resolution to participate in a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement.

Roll call vote:
Ms. Forte-Scott Yes
Mrs. Jonen Yes
Mr. Bromley Yes
Mr. Frankel Yes
Mrs. Seyring Yes
Ms. Bernas Yes
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart Yes
The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of the 2015-2016 Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR)
Vice-President Forte-Scott moved and Trustee Jonen seconded that:

The Library Board approve the submission of IPLAR.

The motion massed unanimously.

Review of Investment Policy
Finance Director Beth Valenziano reviewed the Investment Policy and made suggestions of amendments. The Board will vote on the amendments to the Policy Statement at the September Board Meeting.


Trustee Frankel moved and Vice-President Forte-Scott seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn at 9:04 P.M.

The motion massed unanimously.