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Monday, April 15, 2019
Hoffman Estates Branch Library
7:00 P.M.




Anita Forte-Scott, President; Gerald Bromley, Vice-President/Secretary; Theresa Seyring, Treasurer; Hannah Hyman; David Jonen; Julie Wroblewski Bosshart


Jillian Bernas


Alisa Gandhi, Matthew Williams 


John Ericson, Emily Gilbert, Justine Gilbert, Monica Harris, Riya Jain, Annie Miskewitch, Magan Szwarek, Lori Teipel, Beth Valenziano


Riya Jain, a Student Advisory Trustee applicant, introduced herself to the board.


Trustee Hyman complimented Deputy Director Annie Miskewitch on being featured in a focus panel at her alma mater, DePaul University, with that information now in a display case.

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart advised Board members about filing the required Statements of Economic Interest. Mrs. Wrobleski Bosshart also mentioned an issue that was brought to her attention about possible issues in the café. There was discussion about potential changes to the lease agreement. The matter is being considered by the Café Committee and the Library Administration.

Vice-President Bromley attended the Hoffman Estates Mayors Breakfast and shared an antecdote from a speaker at the meeting.

Treasurer Seyring also attended the Hoffman Estates Mayors Breakfast and enjoyed the morning’s event.

Trustee Jonen spotlighted the Hanover Park Branch and praised the staff for always doing an excellent job.

President Forte-Scott shared how proud she was with the Village of Schuamburg National Citizen Survey results that listed Schaumburg Township District Library as the highest rated amenity.

RAILS - Ms. Hyman

No RAILS update


Trustee Jonen moved and Vice-President Bromley seconded that:

The March 18, 2019 Regular Board Minutes be approved.

Discussion included correction to the spelling of Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart’s name.

The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Hyman moved and Treasurer Seyring seconded that:

The Library Board approved the March 2019 Bill List.

Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes


There will be an Executive Session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees; and litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Library has been filed or is pending.


President Forte-Scott noted it was recently National Library Week. She encouraged board members to make it National Library Week any time of the year through support and sharing their library stories. 


Executive Director Harris reviewed recent statistical trends for circulation. She also highlighted the Library receiving the Illinois Public Library Per Capita Grant, which will be used on electronic resources, and mentioned an upcoming change in auditors.

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart called attention to an adult programming number drop compared to an increase in youth programs. Ms. Harris explained one factor was a retirement in the department that created a small gap as the new programmer took over, but she would continue to monitor the statistics.


Deputy Director Miskewitch mentioned building improvements and arrivals of new furniture for the Central Library second floor. The Outreach Office refresh has finished.  The Hanover Park branch had many walls painted and Hoffman Estates branch had deep cleaning on floors and furniture. 
The Library’s new branded van and other Library owned vehicles have been updated to include Verizon Network Fleet to receive diagnostic and maintenance alerts, making the vehicles even more efficient.


Hoffman Estates Branch – John Ericson 

Hoffman Estates Branch manager, John Ericson, highlighted community engagement as an important aspect of the branch. The branch strives to have a strong connection to the village by attending many village sponsored events. A new Hoffman Estates Storytime with the Mayor will begin in June. Mr. Ericson also reviewed the recent facility updates.


Nominating Committee – Ms. Forte-Scott and Ms. Hyman

Recommendations for the 2019/2020 Library Board were: President Gerald Bromley, support Anita Forte-Scott, understudy Jillian Bernas; Vice-President Jillian Bernas, support Gerald Bromley, understudy Hannah Hyman; Treasurer Theresa Seyring, support Julie Wroblewski Bosshart, understudy David Jonen.

Discussion included explanation of the new informal system of support and understudy positions, which would facilitate sharing of knowledge and additional help from board member to board member to help bridge knowledge gaps when needed. Newly elected trustees will be sworn in at the May meeting, as well as voting on the election slate. Trustees will begin new duties at the June meeting.


Alisa Gandhi and Matthew Williams mentioned the SAT test was recently administered and BrainFuse outreach will now be pushed back until next year. Alisha recently attended a college planning program where she learned a great deal. She will attend another college program that’s scheduled.

Matthew will attend a college planning program this week at the Library and pointed out the Library is one of the few places to offer free college prep programs. Matthew also mentioned the Schaumburg High School promoted the Library’s college programs on their social media.

Matthew asked if program streaming could be added to the website for informative purposes. Executive Director Harris explained it is possible for in-house programs, but mostly not available due to presenter agreements and the frequency of programming offered. Live streaming has been discussed as a possibility for some events and could be explored more in the future.


Treasurer Seyring reviewed the financial reports. The Library’s current balance has increased with a bulk of tax money arriving in March and the working cash fund remains the same. Current revenues are tracking above budget due to property tax revenues and investment income outperforming. Expenses are projected favorably for the end of the year.




Approval of the Proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar

Vice-President Bromley moved and Trustee Jonen seconded approval of the Proposed Tax Levy and Appropriation Calendar for 2019/2020.

Roll Call Vote:
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 

Review of Potential Dates for Circulation Update Meeting

Monday, April 29th was agreed upon as the meeting date.

Approval of Professional Development Expenses of $1,271.60, $1,977.00 and $2,092.88 for American Library Association Annual Conference in June 2019

Trustee Hyman moved and Trustee Wrobleski Bosshart seconded that the board approve the professional development expenses for American Library Association Annual Conference in the amount of $1,271.60, $1,977.00 and $2,092.88.

Discussion included reasons for variations in dollar amounts.
Roll call vote: 
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Waiver of Bid to EBSCO for sole source article database package in the Amount of $35,088.00

Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Vice-President Bromley seconded that the board approve the waiver of bid to EBSCO for sole source article database package in the Amount of $35,088.00.

Discussion included cost of service, which was significantly lower compared with last year due to Library staff negotiations and competition from Gale.

Roll call vote: 
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously. 


Vice-President Bromley moved and Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart seconded that:

The Library Board exit the open session at 8:07 P.M.

Roll call vote: 
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes

The motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Hyman seconded that: 
The Library Board entered Executive Session at 8:13 P.M. 

Roll call vote: 
Ms. Hyman            Yes 
Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes
The motion passed unanimously. 

Trustee Hyman exited the meeting at 8:31P.M.

Trustee Jonen moved and Trustee Bromley seconded that: 
The Library Board re-enter Regular Session at 9:10 P.M.

Roll call vote:

Mrs. Wroblewski Bosshart    Yes 
Mr. Bromley            Yes
Mrs. Seyring            Yes    
    Mr. Jonen            Yes
Ms. Forte-Scott        Yes 
The motion passed unanimously. 


Trustee Wroblewski Bosshart moved and Trustee Bromley seconded that:

The Library Board adjourn regular session at 9:15 P.M.

The motion passed unanimously.