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Hoopla now offers Binge Passes for immediate, unlimited access to eMagazines, The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream, Hellosaurus and more. No holds, no waiting!

One Binge Pass uses up just one of your 20 monthly Hoopla borrows. Check out the eMagazines Binge pass and ase it to read as many magazines you'd like for 7 days, including Inc., Good HousekeepingMen's Health and Cosmopolitan.

Plus, if you've heard of the Great Courses before – the video series from experts and professors at respected institutions around the world – you can watch as many within Hoopla's collection as you'd like. Just one borrow!  Same thing for Curiosity Stream, Hellosaurus for kids, and the rest of the Binge Passes.

If you're using a browser to access Hoopla, you'll be able to check out a Binge Pass right away. Using an app? Make sure to update it first.

Don't forget that Hoopla also has thousands of movies and TV shows to stream anytime from anywhere, plus eBooks and eAudiobooks. There's certainly something for everyone!