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We're now offering eMagazines through our most popular place for eBooks: the Libby app.

If you're used to getting your eMagazines through RBdigital, don't worry. They've made the move and we've added thousands more titles – 3,000 more, to be exact! You can still read titles like the EconomistNewsweekUs Weekly, and Star Magazine.

Here's what else you need to know:

  • Schaumburg cardholders only
  • eMagazine checkouts do NOT count toward the 10 borrows limit for eBooks and eAudiobooks
  • Standard checkout period is 14 days, but you can come back and check it out again if you'd like!
  • Download for offline reading

See what other services we have available when it comes to digital magazines and newspapers on our eMagazines and eNewspapers page.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to our eMedia team at