The Board of Trustees of Schaumburg Township District Library encourages the use and borrowing of its materials, electronic and downloadable resources. In order to provide equitable access to all Library users, the Board of Trustees establishes this Policy governing loan periods, renewals, reserves, interlibrary loan and overdue fines and fees.

Library Cards

Adults and children who live in the Schaumburg Township Library District are eligible to receive a free Library card. Proof of name and current street address is required at the time of registration. The signature of a parent or guardian is required for applicants 14 years or younger. Schaumburg Library cardholders are entitled to basic borrowing privileges in all Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) member public libraries. Cardholders are responsible for materials checked out on their cards, both from Schaumburg Library and participating RAILS libraries, and for any applicable overdue fines and fees for lost and damaged materials, based on the loan rules of the lending library.

Cardholders must notify the Library of changes in name, street address, telephone number and/or e-mail address. If a card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must notify the Library immediately.

Loan Periods

21 days All material except: DVDs, video games, Hot Pick items, magazines and special items
14 days Hot Pick books, DVD/Blu-ray sets
7 days DVDs, video games, magazines, New CDs, Blu-ray DVDs and special items
3 days New DVDs, Hot Pick DVDs, New Blu-ray DVDs

Overdue Fines

Schaumburg Township District Library is fine free.

Schaumburg Library cardholders will be charged overdue fines for non-Schaumburg Library owned materials provided by other institutions through interlibrary loan.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended when any item is one loan period overdue or when accrued fees total and exceed ten dollars ($10.00). If, after 45 days, an item has not been returned, the cardholder will be billed for the cost of the item. Borrowing privileges will be restored when the cardholder’s account is cleared.


Eligible Library materials may be renewed up to four times as long as they are not on hold for another patron.


Reserves may be placed on eligible Library materials in person, by telephone or online. Reserves placed by Schaumburg Library cardholders will be given priority over those placed by non-Schaumburg Library cardholders.

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary loan service is available only to Schaumburg Library cardholders.

Charges for lost or damaged material provided through interlibrary loan will be determined by the owning institution and will include, but not be limited to, replacement cost, fines and processing fees.

Lost or Damaged Materials

Cardholders are responsible for loss of and damage to materials they borrow, including containers and supplemental contents. Current replacement cost will be charged for materials that are lost or too badly damaged to be retained in the Library collection. Schaumburg Library will not accept a replacement copy for lost or damaged material in lieu of payment.

Should the Library pursue legal action to secure the return of items or payment for them, the cardholder will be held liable for the current replacement cost, processing fees, legal fees and any other related charges. The Library reserves the right to pursue criminal charges as well as civil remedies.


Approved by the Schaumburg Township District Library Board of Trustees, April 20, 2020, and revised on December 19, 2022.