Vulnerable Adults*

Schaumburg Township District Library strives to provide a warm, welcoming and safe environment for all community members. The Library is concerned for the safety of vulnerable adults in and around the Library. A parent, guardian or caregiver age 18 years or older must be responsible for monitoring the activities and managing the behavior of vulnerable adults during their Library visits.

The Library will adhere to the following guidelines concerning the care and behavior of vulnerable adults:

  • Vulnerable adults who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves must be attended and have adequate supervision at all times.
  • Vulnerable adults who can understand and follow the Code of Conduct and who can care for themselves are welcome to be in the Library unattended. They should have contact information for someone who can assist them in an emergency.
  • Library staff will attempt to contact a parent, legal guardian or caregiver when an individual’s:

    • health or safety is in doubt;
    • behavior disturbs other Library users and has caused staff to ask the individual to leave the Library;
    • parent, guardian or caregiver is not present at closing time. If a parent, guardian or caregiver cannot be reached, Library staff will contact police to assume responsibility.

  • Parents, guardians or caregivers who violate the Code of Conduct are subject to restriction or termination of Library privileges and possible exclusion from the Library.

Library staff may notify the appropriate authorities if they have reason to suspect abuse or neglect.

*A vulnerable adult is an adult who should not be left alone in the Library, is unable to reasonably care for themself in an emergency situation, or is mentally or physically challenged and needs help beyond normal assistance with Library services.

Approved by the Schaumburg Township District Library Board of Trustees, March 9, 2020.